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Genesis - The Carpet Crawlers - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Genesis / The Carpet Crawlers

Аккорды, табы

from The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
		The Carpet Crawlers

!		I don't know the intro ("there is lambs wool under my naked feet"),
!		althiugh I think it's in A. Here's the main chords
!		verses:
>		D                                   Em
		The crawlers cover the floor in the red ochre corridor
		for my second sight of people they've more lifeblood than before
		they're moving in time        to a  heavy wooden door
		where the needle's eye is winking   closing on the poor
!		chorus
>		F#m
		The carpet crawlers heed their callers
>		A                         G         A
		You got to get in to get ou  -  -  -t
>		A                         G         Bm
		You got to get in to get ou  -  -  -t
>		Bm                 C                D
		You got to get in  to get ou -  -  -t
!		And that's basically it. The other verses follow the same chrds as the
!		first, and the outro is repeating "you got to get in to get out" over
!		the verse chords, with another run through the chorus if you'd like.
!		Have fun with it!
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