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Exploited - System fucked up - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Exploited / System fucked up

Аккорды, табы

"Beat the bastards" (1996)
		System fucked up

Riff 1:		[E|-----------------------|

Riff 2:		[E|-------------------------------|

End:		[E|--------------------|

!		Riff 1
		6 arrests and nobody cares
		16 years later the people prepare
		the verdict returned set them free
		the dirty pig bastards did the same to me
!		Riff 2
		cover up, cover up,
		corruption corruption,
		the system's fucked up
!		Riff 1
		pigs gain promotions they do all the time
		hand shakes retirement their sentence for the crime
		their crime should be the same as mine
		they should do the same fucking time
!		Riff 2
		cover up, cover up,
		corruption corruption,
		the system's fucked up
!		Riff 1
		people locked up all the time for a crime they didn't do
		a cover up what is new corruption you've been screwed
!		Riff 2
		cover up, cover up,
		corruption corruption,
		the system's fucked up
!		Riff 1
		pigs gain promotions they do all the time
		hand shakes retirement their sentence for the crime
		their crime should be the same as mine
		they should do the same fucking time
!		Riff 2
		cover up, cover up,
		corruption corruption,
		the system's fucked up
!		End


Text:		6 arrested and nobody cares
		16 years later the people prepare
		The verdict's returned set them free
		The dirty pig bastards did the same to me
		Cover up, cover up
		Corruption, corruption
		The system's fucked up
		Pigs gain promotion they do all the time
		Hand shakes retirement their sentence for crime
		Their crimes should be the same as mine
		They should do the same fucking time
		People locked up all of the time
		For a crime they didn't do
		A ccover up what is new
		Corruption you've been screwed
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