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Eric Clapton - Willie And The Hand Jive - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Eric Clapton / Willie And The Hand Jive

Аккорды, табы

(from 461 Ocean Boulevard, 1974)
		Willie And The Hand Jive

>		G
		I know a cat named Way Out Willie
		Got a cool little chick named Rockin' Millie
>		        C
		He can walk and stroll and Suzy-Q
>		 G
		Do the crazy hand jive too

		Momma momma look at uncle Joe
		Doin' the hand jive with sister Flo
		Uncle gave sister a dime
		Do the hand jive one more time

>		       C          G          D                  G
CHORUS:		Hand jive, hand jive, hand jive, do that crazy jive

		Doctor, a lawyer and an Indian chief
		They all dig that crazy beat
		Way Out Willie give 'em all a treat
		When he did that hand jive with his feet...


		Willie and Millie got married last fall
		They had a little Willie Junior and that ain't all
		The kid's got crazy and it's plain to see
		He's doin' the hand jive on T.V....


!		NOTE: The important thing to this song is the Bo Diddley rhythm.
!		I have no idea how to explain it - listen to the record!
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