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Eric Clapton - Help Me Up - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Eric Clapton / Help Me Up

Аккорды, табы

		Help Me Up

!		An underappreciated gem off of the Rush soundtrack...

>		Em G Em G
!		(If that Em sounds a little too dark to you, try [022x00] (<E5>?))

		<Em> Are you going to help me <G> or will you let me down?
		<Em> I'm looking for a true love <G> but am I lost or found?
		<Em> And will we cry in passion <G> or will we cry in pain?
		<Em> And will our lonely teardrops <G> fill the world with rain?

		Help me <Em> up, <Bm> don't you let me <C> down. <Am>
		I'm gonna <G> wake up in <C> heaven, not the <Am> cold, cold <G> ground.

>		Em G Em G

		<Em> Can't you hear the lovers <G> crying in the night?
		<Em> They spend their whole lives trying; <G> still can't get it right.
		<Em> I don't know where we're going <G> but I guess we'll start
		<Em> And just to show that I mean it, <G> baby here's my heart.

!		Chorus

!		(Walk it up hard on the bass: <G G B B C C D D>)

		<D> Living on my <D#dim> feelings, <Em> feelings all I <G> know.
		<C> Baby once we <D> touch it, we'll <C> never let it <G> go.

!		(I'm guessing on the <D#dim> - he pulls something weird out of his hat,
!		and this sounds decent.)

>		Em G Em G

!		First Verse
!		Chorus
!		Chorus
!		Long Solo on Verse
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