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Elvis Presley - The Wonder Of You - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Elvis Presley / The Wonder Of You

Аккорды, табы

		The Wonder Of You

>		     F                                 Dm
		When no one else understand me
>		    Gm7                              C7
		When everything I do is wrong
>		    E                                        Dm
		You give me love and consolation
>		   Gm7                                  C7
		You give me hope to carry on
>		       F                                  F7
		And you try to show your love for me
>		     Bb           C7   F E7b D7
		In everything I do
>		                    Gm7    C7                   F  Gm7 C7
		That's the wonder the wonder of you
		And when you smile the world is brighter
		You touch my hand and I'm a king
		Your kiss to me is worth a fortune
		Your love to me is everything
		And you're always there to lend a hand
		In all I try to do
		That's the wonder the wonder of you
		You'll never know how much I love you
		My love is yours and yours alone
		And it's so wonderful to have you
		To have you for my very own
		Guess I'll never know the reasons why
		You love me as you do
		That's the wonder the wonder of you
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