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Eloy - Child Migration - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Eloy / Child Migration

Аккорды, табы

		Child Migration

		(<Am>) You are the bows from which
		your (<F>)children as living arrows are sent forth
		(<Dm>) the archer sees his mark
		(<Dm7>) let your bending be (<E>)without fear
		(<F>) You may give them your love but not your (<E>)thoughts
		(<F>) you may house their bodies not their (<E>)souls
		(<Bm>) They dwell in the house of tomorrow
		(<C>) standing so far you'll never visit
		(<Am>) for life goes not backward
		(<Dm>) nor tarries with (<Am>)yesterday
		(<Am>) Rain clouds of grey, gather slow behind your eyes
		(<Am>) child of today, don't forget to sail the skies

		(<Em>)All things are in colours
		(<Am>)tunes of different age
		(<Am>)softer message from life's flower
		(<Em>)hills of long gone yesterdays

		(<Dm>)Distand hands in foreign lands
		(<Em>)rhythm remains unbroken
		(<Dm>)all unseen from where we stand
		(<F>)child migration, child migration(<Am>)

		(<Am>) Dreams are the blossom, of our courage it is said
		(<Am>) true life long forgotten, echoes lost inside our heads
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