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Dire Straits - The Man's Too Strong - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Dire Straits / The Man's Too Strong

Аккорды, табы

Brothers In Arms (1985)
		The Man's Too Strong

!		                                         <C> (strums)     <C> (strums)

!		   <Bb>(strums)          <Dm>(strums)    <Dm>(strums)
		G--3-------------------2-------------2----------------0h2-2-2-2-  etc.

>		Dm                                         C
		I am just an aging drummer-boy, and in the wars I used to play
>		         Bb                              Dm
		And I've called a tune to many a torture session.
>		Dm                                          C
		Now they say I am a war criminal, and I'm a-fading away.
>		Bb
		Father, please hear my confession.

>		       G                     D
		I have legalized robbery and called it belief
>		       G                          D
		I have run with the money, I have hid like a thief
>		       G                         D
		I have rewritten history with my armies and my crooks
>		D        C         Am         D
		Invented memories,      I did burn all the books
>		          Dm                                 C              Em
		And I can still hear his laughter, and I can still hear his song
>		Emsus2                 Em                 D         C   D   C
		         The man's too big, the man's too strong

>		C  Cm  G  Gm etc.

!		For chords, play the <Dm>, <D>, <C>, <Em>, <Am> and <G> as open. Play the <Bb> in 1st
!		position. I play the <Emsus2>, <Gm> and <Cm> as:

>		 Emsus2     Gm      Cm
		[e--2-       -3-    -3-
		B--0-       -3-    -1-
		G--0-       -3-    -0-
		D--2-       -x-    -1-
		A--2-       -x-    -x-
		E--0-       -x-    -x-]
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