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Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Deep Purple / Smoke On The Water

Аккорды, табы

		Smoke On The Water

intro:		<Em G A Em G A# A Em G A G Em>

>		   Am
		We all came out to Montreux
>		        G            Am
		On the Lake Geneva shoreline
>		Am
		To make records with a mobile
>		G                        Am
		We didn't have much time
>		Am
		Frank Zappa and the Mothers
>		 G                            Am
		Were at the best place around
>		Am
		But some stupid with a flare gun
>		 G                        Am
		Burned the place to the ground
>		D             Bb     Am                D           Bb
		Smoke on the water, fire in the sky, smoke on the water

!		intro

		They burned down the gambling house
		It died with an awful sound
		Funky Claude was running in and out
		Pulling kids out the ground
		When it all was over
		We had to find another place
		But Swiss time was running out
		It seemed that we would lose the race
		Smoke on the water, fire in the sky, smoke on the water

!		intro

		We ended up at the Grand Hotel
		It was empty cold and bare
		But with the Rolling truck Stones thing just outside
		Making our music there
		With a few red lights and a few old beds
		We make a place to sweat
		No matter what we get out of this
		I know we'll never forget
		Smoke on the water, fire in the sky, smoke on the water


!		Уcлoвныe oбoзнaчeния:
!		f - цeлaя нoтa;
!		h - пoлoвиннaя нoтa;
!		q - чeтвepтнaя нoтa;
!		e - 1/8 цeлoй нoты;
!		. - длитeльнocть нoты yвeличивaeтcя в 1,5 paзa.

!		Тoлькo ocнoвнoй pифф:
!		Умepeннo
!		Мoжнo игpaть нeмнoгo пo-дpyгoмy.
!		Умepeннo
!		В этoм cлyчae звyчaниe пoлyчaeтcя бoлee aгpeccивным.
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