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Deep Purple - Chasing Shadows - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Deep Purple / Chasing Shadows

Аккорды, табы

"DeepPurple" (1969)
		Chasing Shadows
!		(Lord/Paice)

>		Em7
		Chasing shadows
>		Bm7               G          A        Em7
		Over the ground      with myself only sleeping
		Dwarves and giants
>		            Bm7
		Twenty feet tall
>		G           A               Em7
		   Fill the room with their grieving
		Sounds of breathing
>		           Bm7
		Sharpen my ears
>		G            A         Em7
		   Then they fade into nothing
		Someone's laughter
>		           Bm7           G                A               Em7
		Out in the street              fills the night with their loving
>		D           A           Em7
>		G               D         F          C
		     I feel the axe in my head
>		G           D                F          C
		Running his hands through my bed
>		G        D          F#         B
		Not even dreaming I seem to be dead
>		G          D          F#         B
		Colours of yellow and colours of red

!		Note: The guitar sound is very "acid" on this song, so the
!		chords <Em7> and <Bm7> can also be <E7+9> and <B7+9>.
!		Gilles Snowcat
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