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Deep Purple - Black Night - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Deep Purple / Black Night

Аккорды, табы

		Black Night

!		This is the Bass Tab for "Black Night"
!		This song is very simple and is based on a nice bluesy scale

!		Riff #1
!		This riff is repeated twice before every verse
!		Riff #2
		-------|----------------------------|-  X   Many
		-------|---5-7-7-7-7-7-7-7----------|-  X   Times
!		The first three lines of the verse are sung over this riff
!		Riff #3
		         Maybe I'll find on the way down the line
		         that I'm free, free to be me.                                X2
		        Black night is a long way from home.
!		This is played over the last three lines as I have tryed to show
!		- - - - - - - -  - -
!		The Lyrics to this song is presented below in case you'll need them
		Black night is not right,
		I don't feel so bright,
		I don't care to sit tight.
		Maybe I'll find on the way down the line
		that I'm free, free to be me.
		Black night is a long way from home.
		I don't need a dark tree,
		I don't want a rough sea,
		I can't feel, I can't see.
		Maybe I'll find on the way down the line
		that I'm free, free to be me.
		Black night is a long way from home.
		Black night, black night,
		I don't need black night,
		I can't see dark night.
		Maybe I'll find on the way down the line
		that I'm free, free to be me.
		Black night is a long way from home.
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