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Dead Kennedys - Get Off The Air - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Dead Kennedys / Get Off The Air

Аккорды, табы

		Get Off The Air
!		(Biafra)

Intro:		<F#    B  C#> (2x bass only)

>		F#                 B      C#
		Fun Fun Fun in the fluffy chair
>		      F#
		Flame up the herb
>		     B        C#
		Woof down the beer (2x and continues on background)

!		(click!)

>		F#                 B  C#
		Hi! I'm your video DJ
>		  F#                   B             C#
		I always talk like I'm wigged out on quaaludes
>		F#             B        C#                  F#   B  C#
		I wear a satin baseball jacket everywhere I go

>		   F#        B        C#
		My job is to help destroy
>		       F#            B   C#
		What's left of your imagination
>		   F#          B       C#
		By feeding you endless doses
>		   F#                    B       C#
		Of sugar-coated mindless garbage

>		   F#           B    C#
		So don't create Be sedate
>		     F#                    B              C#
		Be a vegetable at home And thwack on that dial
>		   F#                   B          C#
		If we have our way even you will believe (Fun fun fun... ends)
>		F#
		This is the future of rock and roll


Intro:		<F#    B  C#> (2x bass only)

>		F#                 B      C#
		Fun Fun Fun in the fluffy chair
>		      F#
		Flame up the herb
>		     B        C#
		Woof down the beer } (2x and continues on background)

!		(click!)

>		F#                 B  C#
		Hi! I'm your video DJ
>		  F#                   B             C#
		I always talk like I'm wigged out on quaaludes
>		F#             B        C#                  F#   B  C#
		I wear a satin baseball jacket everywhere I go

>		   F#        B        C#
		My job is to help destroy
>		       F#            B   C#
		What's left of your imagination
>		   F#          B       C#
		By feeding you endless doses
>		   F#                    B       C#
		Of sugar-coated mindless garbage

>		   F#           B    C#
		So don't create Be sedate
>		     F#                    B              C#
		Be a vegetable at home And thwack on that dial
>		   F#                   B          C#
		If we have our way even you will believe  (Fun fun fun... ends)
>		F#
		This is the future of rock and roll


>		    F#              B A
		How far will you go
>		    F#                 B A
		How low will you stoop
>		   B               A               B            A
		To tranquilize our minds with your sugar-coated swill

>		       F#                             B A
		You've turned rock and roll rebellion
>		     F#                 B A
		Into Pat Boone sedation
>		B           A              B           D
		Making sure nothing's left of the imagination

>		C#     B
		M.T.V. Get off the
>		C#     B
		M.T.V. Get off the
>		C#     B           F#
		M.T.V. Get off the air } 2x

>		E           F#
		Get off the air

>		F#                     B A F#                   B A
		See the latest rejects     from the muppet show
>		B                        A
		Wag their tits and their dicks
>		        B            A
		As they lip-synch on screen

>		        F#
		There's something I don't like
>		 B    A F#                     B A
		About a band who always smiles
>		  B         A
		Another tax write-off
>		         B                   D
		For some schmuck who doesn't care

		M.T.V. Get off the air...

		Get off the air
		Get off the air
>		            F# F E D# C#
		Get off the air

!		(bass break - following line twice: 1st time with bass only, 2nd time with
!		 guitar playing chords above)

>		  C#       B        C#       B        F#       E        F#       E

		[g --------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|
		d --------|----1---|----3---|--------|4-----4-|2\1-----|4-4-6-4-|2\1-----|
		a 4-4---4-|2-2---2-|4-4---4-|2---4-24|----4---|----4-2-|--------|----4-2-|
		e ----4---|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|]

!		(and this once)

>		  C#       B        C#       B        F#       E        C#

		[g --------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|
		d --------|----1---|----3---|--------|4-----4-|2\1-----|4-------|--------|
		a 4-4---4-|2-2---2-|4-4---4-|2---4-24|----4---|----4-2-|--------|--------|
		e ----4---|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|]

>		C#m  B  A  G# } (2x trumpet or something)

>		    C#    B
		And so it was
>		    C#                B
		Our beloved corporate gods
>		F#             E          F#    E
		Claimed they created rock video
>		C#             B              C#       B
		Allowing it to sink as low in one year
>		   F#         E         C#
		As commercial TV has in 25

>		C#m                      B
		"It's the new frontier," they say
>		     A                       G#
		It's wide open, anything can happen
>		    C#m
		But you've got a lot of nerve
>		            B
		To call yourself a pioneer
>		                A
		When you're too god-damn conservative
>		        G#
		To take real chances.

>		C#        B
>		      C#    B         F#
		Graph-paper brained accountants
>		E                F#   E
		Instead of music fans
>		C#           B              C#               B
		Call all the shots at giant record companies now
>		    F#              E         C#
		The lowest common denominator rules

>		C#m
		Forget honesty
>		B
		Forget creativity
>		    A
		The dumbest buy the mostest
>		           G#
		That's the name of the game

>		    C#m
		But sales are slumping
>		    B
		And no one will say why
>		A                                     G#
		Could it be they put out one too many lousy records?!?

>		C#       B           F#
		M.T.V. - Get off the air!

>		F#

!		----------------------------------------------------------------------
!		Some chords may be missing in the fast part and the bass line probably
!		isn't very accurate. At least it's played higher, I think. Corrections
!		are naturally welcome.
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