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Dead Kennedys - A child and his lawnmower - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Dead Kennedys / A child and his lawnmower

Аккорды, табы

		A child and his lawnmower

!		intro..
!		attach this to the child and his lawnmower thing I sent yesterday...

intro:		[хe-|-------------------------------------------------------------------
!		verse...
		D-|-7-7-9-9-7-7-9-9-7-7-9-9-7-7- } repeat this a bit...
!		chorus...
!		thats it... the intro is already on this nevada guitar thing... but I 
!		think you might want to play around with it a bit cause it doesn't seem 
!		to sound quite right to me... but maybe I'm just screwing the rythem up 
!		or something...


!		Someone somewhere once upon a time mentioned the DKs, well here it is the intro
!		to "a child and his lawnmower" off "Give me convenience or..." and probably some
!		B-side as well. A fun song to play, (aren't they all) for the rest just thrash
!		wildly in whatever seems right, I did this live and it worked. The intro is
!		usually bass but fun on the guitar too. Here we go...
		E-------------3-3-0----1---3----3---3---] } Repeat a few times.
!		Go listen and you'll get the idea. If you are a DK fan and you don't have this
!		album then go find it. It absolutely rules even more than Dangermouse.


Перевод:	Парень и его газонокосилка
!		(Слова - Биафра)

		какой-то клоун в Сакраменто попал под суд.
		Он застрелил свою газонокосилку,
		Она не подчинялась, она не заводилась.
		Кто сильнее, тот и прав, это - Американский путь.
		Его оштрафовали на 60 баксов и отправили на фиг.

		Понимаешь, некоторым на все насрать,
		может быть их что-то бы волновало, если б осталась хоть  половина
		мозгов } х3
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