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Blur - You're So Great - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Blur / You're So Great

Аккорды, табы

1997 - Blur
		You're So Great

Verse Chords:	<F# D# B C#>
>		F# D#
>		F# D# B A# G# F#

Chorus Chords:	<F# D# C# B>
>		F# D# C# F#
>		F# D# C# F# G# F# G#
>		F# G#m E F# E F#

>		F#	 	   D#
		Sad,drunk,and poorly
>		C#		    B
		Sleeping really late
>		F#             D#
		Sad,drunk,and poorly
>		B               C
		Not feeling so great
>		F#                  D#
		Wandering lost in a town full of frowns
>		F#             D#
		Sad,drunk,and poorly
>		B                   A# G# F#
		Dogs digging up the ground
>		F#              D#          C#                B
		And I feel the light in the night and in the day
>		F#              D#             C#                F#
		And I feel the light when the sky's just mud and grey
>		F#               D#            C#           F#  G# F# G#
		And I feel the night when you tell me it's okay
>		F#                         G#m    E F# E F#
		You're So Great and I love you...

!		Verse Chords over solo

!		Rest of the lyrics:
		Tea,tea,and coffee
		Helps to start the day
		Tea,tea,and coffee
		Shaking all the way
		Cities alive,a surprise so am I
		Tea,tea,and coffee,
		Get no sleep today

!		Chorus again


Intro:		<Em  F>

>		G               Bm
Verse 1:	Sad, drunk, and poorly
>		C               G
		Sleeping really late
>		G               Bm
		Sad, drunk, and poorly
>		C               Am
		Not feeling so great
>		G         F         F            C
		Wandering lost in a town full of frowns
>		G               Em
		Sad, drunk, and poorly
>		C                   Am          F       D
		Dogs digging up the ground

>		G               Em
Verse 2:	And I feel the light
>		Bm                      C
		In the night and in the day
>		G               Em
		And I feel the light
>		Bm                          Am
		When the sky's just mud and grey
>		G               Em
		And I feel the light
>		Bm                     F        G       F       G
		When you tell me it's OK
>		    F                      Am
		Cos you're so great, and I love you

!		Same chords as verse 1:
		DT and coffee
		Helps to start the day
		DT and coffee
		Shaking all the way
		City's alive and, surprise, so am I
		Tea, tea and coffee
		Get no sleep today

!		Same chords as verse 2:
		And I feel the light
		In the night and in the day
		And I feel the light
		When the sky's just mud and grey
		And I feel the light
		When you tell me it's OK
		Cos you're so great, and I love you

!		End of the songs:
>		G       Em      F       Fm      C


Text:		Sad drunk and poorly
		Sleep in really late
		Sad drunk and poorly
		Not feeling so great
		Wandering lost in a town full of frowns
		Sad drunk and poorly
		Dogs digging up the ground

Chours:		And I feel the light in the night and in the day
		And I feel the light
		When the sky's just mud and grey
		And I feel the night when you tell me it's OK
		Coz you're so great and I love you

		Tea, tea and coffee
		Helps to start the day
		Tea, tea and coffee
		Shaking all the way
		City's alive, a surprise so am I
		Tea, tea and coffee, get no sleep today

!		repeat chorus
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