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Beatles - I'm Looking Through You - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Beatles / I'm Looking Through You

Аккорды, табы

		I'm Looking Through You
!		(Lennon/McCartney)

		             <Dm7/>  </>  </> <Am>   </>    </>    </>  <G> <///>
		I'm looking thru you       Where did you go
		<C/>  <F>     </>  <Dm7> </> </>  </> <Am> </>     </> </>    <G> <///> <Am>
		I thought I knew you       What did I know?
		</>    </>     </>   <F>  </>   </>    </>   <C>   </Dm7> </>  <G>  <///>
		You dont look different    But you have changed
		<C/>    <F>  </>   <Dm7> </> </>  </> <F7> </>     </> </>    <C> <///> </>
		I'm looking thru you       Youre not the same

		</>    </>     </>  <Dm7/>  </>  </> <Am/>  </>  </>    <G> <///>
		Your lips are moving       I cannot hear
		<C/>     <F>    </>  <Dm7//>  </>  <Am> </>        </>     </>      <G> <///> <Am>
		Your voice is soothing     But the words arent clear
		</>    </>     </>   <F>  </>     </>   </>     <C>   </> <Dm7> </>  <G>  <///>
		You dont sound different   I've learnt the game
		<C/>    <F>  </>   <Dm7> </> </>  </>  <F7> </>     </> </>      <C> <///> <////>
		Im looking thru you        Youre not the same
		<F>   </>  </>   </>   </>  </>    </>   </>    <C>   </>   </>   </>  <////>
		Why, Tell me why did you not treat me right
		<F>   </> </>  </>  </>  </>  </>    </>     <C>  </>  </>  </G7> </>  </>  </>
		Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight
		<C/>     <F>    </>  <Dm7//>  </>  <Am> </>   </>     </>   <G> <///> <C>
		Youre thinking of me       The same old way
		</>    <F>    </Dm7>  <///>      <Am> </>   </>   </>   <G///>
		You were above me          But not today
		<Am/> </>     <F>  </>     </>      </>   <C>   </> <Dm7>  <G///>   <C>
		The only difference        Is youre down there
		</>    <F>  </>   <Dm7/> </>  </>    <F7/>    </>    </>   <C///> </>
		Im looking thru you        and youre nowhere


>		G D G D G C G C G C G C

>		G     C        Am7       Em             D
		I'm looking through you, where did you go?
>		G     C      Am7       Em         D
		I thought I knew you, what did I know?
>		Em               D   C         G    C     D
		You don't look different, but you have changed
>		G      C       Am7       C7               G  C  G  C  G  C  G  C
		I'm looking through you, you're not the same

		Your lips are moving, I cannot hear
		Your voice is soothing, but the words aren't clear
		You don't sound differnt, I've learned the game
		I'm looking through you, you're not the same

CHORUS:		< C                              G>
		Why, tell me why, did you not treat me right?
>		C                             Dsus4       D
		Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight

		You're thinking of me, the same old way
		You were above me, but not today
		The only difference is you're down there
		I'm looking through you, any other way


>		G C G         C                G C G C              G       C
		Yeah!, Well, baby you've changed, ah, I'm looking through you
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