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Afi - The Leaving Song - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Afi / The Leaving Song

Аккорды, табы

		The Leaving Song

!		 *note

>		Em        G             D
		Walked away.. heard them say..
>		           Am              C
		Poisoned hearts will never change..
>		 G   (*note)   Em
		Walk away, again..
>		Em        G          D
		Turned away, in disgrace..
>		         Am        c
		Felt the chill upon my face..
>		G      (*note)   Em
		Cooly climb within..
>		Am            C
		Hard to notice..
>		B5          Am
		Gleaming from the sky..
>		C           Am               D
		When you're staring at the cracks..
>		Em          G
		Hard to notice..
>		D    Am     C
		What is passing by..
>		G  (*note)    Em
		With eyes lowered..
>		Em            G           D
		You Walked away.. heard them say..
>		           Am              C
		Poisoned hearts will never change..
>		 G   (*note)   Em
		Walk away, again..

!		(Игpaeм кaк и в кyплeтe, тoлькo cтpyны пpиглyшeны)

		All the cracks they lead, right to me..
		and, All the cracks will crawl right through me..
		All the cracks they lead, right to me..
		and, All the cracks will crawl right through me..
		And they fell apart...
>		Em        G             D
		As I Walk away.. heard them say..
>		           Am              C
		Poisoned hearts will never change..
>		 G   (*note)   Em
		Walk away, again..
>		Em        G          D
		Turned away, in disgrace..
>		         Am        c
		Felt the chill upon my face..
>		G      (*note)   Em
		Cooly climb within..

!		(solo)

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