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Afghan Whigs - Into the light - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Afghan Whigs / Into the light

Аккорды, табы

"Black love"
		Into the light

!		This is just a interpretation, there's a lot improvisation in there.
!		Just fool around with the chords, and make it sound sad...
!		Verse riff
>		  C            G                  Fill1     Em(7)
!		Like this:
>		          C         G       Fill1   Em
		when the light has gone...
>		          C           G       Fill1   Em
		and the stillnes is shaken...
>		          C            G         Fill1   Em
		and the drug of your smile, has gone
>		     C        G       Fill1   Em
		And left me alone
>		          C               G           Fill1                 Em
		I need it bad, I need it now, wont u come'n'me and give me some.
>		            C           G      Fill1              Em
		I need it sweet, baby please, wont u answer the phone
!		Chorus riff
>		  Fill2        Em     C
		G--------------0--0---0--0--Keep strumming---
		D--------------2--2---2--2--one measure------
>		  Fill2         Em     C
		 Step into the light, Baby
>		  Fill2            Em       C
		 just give me the word, and I will begin
!		  <Fill2         Em     C> (keep strumming)
		 Step into the light, Baby
>		 C
		 And see the trouble i'm in
!		Post chorus riff
>		  C      G
		G-0--0-0-0----------------four times
!		second verse:
>		         C         G    Fill1   Em
		now the light has gone
>		    C       G     Fill1   Em
		my love is gone
>		     C               G    Fill1   Em
		the good times have gone
>		C    G    Fill1    Em
>		          C               G          Fill1 Em
		I have to ask, I need to know was it ever love
>		            C           G            Fill1                  Em
		I need it sweet, baby please, wont u come'n'me and give me some
!		Chorus and post chorus as above... end on <C>.
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