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Aerosmith - Sweet Emotion - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Aerosmith / Sweet Emotion

Аккорды, табы

		Sweet Emotion

!		Sweet Emotion has 3 bass riffs, each one a measure long. It's not hard to
!		figure out which goes where, but I've added a line of lyrics under each
!		part to get you started.
!		   e  e  s  s  s  e  e  s  e  s  s
!		(Hey, while on the subject, this is a good place to practice singing the
!		backing lyrics. If you get REALLY good, try singing the vocal harmony
!		which is a fourth above the lead line. I think.)
!		   e  e. e  s  s  s  e  e  e          e. = dotted 8th note (clever, huh?)
!		[G------------------------------]          = 8th+16th (just in case)
!		Standing in the front just shaking your ass
!		Take you backstage you can drink from my glass
!		   s  s  s  s  e  s  s  e  s  e  e
!		no lyrics over this part
!		You can probably figure the whole thing out from there.
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