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Aerosmith - I Ain't Got You - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Aerosmith / I Ain't Got You

Аккорды, табы

		I Ain't Got You

!		This is the right way to play this song. Sorry for the mistake on the
!		chours and on Riff B.

!		This is a song off the Aerosmith CD Live Bootleg. It is not that known
!		but it is good and easy to play. This is tabbed out to the live version.

!		Riff A
!		[|----------------------------|] This is the opening riff.
!		[|----------------------------|] It is played during most of
!		[|----------------------------|] the song.
!		After this riff is repeated, then it goes into a C5 position.
!		Riff B
!		Chorus:
!		During the harmonica solo, play this riff.
!		[|---------------|] Repeat this for the rest of the harmonica
!		[|---------------|] solo.
!		The guitar solo easy to play because it is in the key of G.
!		Just play out of the G blues box.
!		Here is some of the solo:
!		I know that this is not very much of the solo, but since it is
!		live, just about anything in the key of G sounds good. So just
!		make it up.
!		I only tabbed out the first solo because the second one is easy as well.
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