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Адо - You ain't goin' nowhere - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Адо / You ain't goin' nowhere

Аккорды, табы

Осколки (1994)
		You ain't goin' nowhere
!		(B. Dylan)
!		"Адо" поёт песню Боба Дилана следующим образом:

>		  G                  Am
		Clouds so swift and rain fallen in
>		        C                          G
		You're gotta see your movie, call dong and ding
		Back up your money, but all you (ten) from the wind
		You ain't goin' nowhere
		Whoo-ee! Ride me high
		Tomorrow's the day мy brother's gonna come
		Whoo-ee! Are we gonna fly
		Down in the easy chair!

		Genghis Khan and his brother gone
		Could not keep on, keep it on.
		We'll climb that bridge after it's gone
		After in the wind we'll passing it
		Whoo-ee! Ride me high
		Tomorrow's the day мy brother's gonna come
		Whoo-ee! Are we gonna fly
		Down in the easy chair!

!		На сайте Боба Дилана приведен
!		нижеследующий текст этой песни:

		Clouds so swift
		Rain won't lift
		Gate won't close
		Railings froze
		Get your mind off wintertime
		You ain't goin' nowhere
		Whoo-ee! Ride me high
		Tomorrow's the day
		My bride's gonna come
		Oh, oh, are we gonna fly
		Down in the easy chair!

		I don't care
		How many letters they sent
		Morning came and morning went
		Pick up your money
		And pack up your tent
		You ain't goin' nowhere
		Whoo-ee! Ride me high
		Tomorrow's the day
		My bride's gonna come
		Oh, oh, are we gonna fly
		Down in the easy chair!

		Buy me a flute
		And a gun that shoots
		Tailgates and substitutes
		Strap yourself
		To the tree with roots
		You ain't goin' nowhere
		Whoo-ee! Ride me high
		Tomorrow's the day
		My bride's gonna come
		Oh, oh, are we gonna fly
		Down in the easy chair!

		Genghis Khan
		He could not keep
		All his kings
		Supplied with sleep
		We'll climb that hill no matter how steep
		When we get up to it
		Whoo-ee! Ride me high
		Tomorrow's the day
		My bride's gonna come
		Oh, oh, are we gonna fly
		Down in the easy chair!
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