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Ace Of Base - Cecilia - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Ace Of Base / Cecilia

Аккорды, табы


INTRO:		<F  C  Dm  Bb  C>
>		F  C  Dm  Bb
>		F  C  Gm  Dm  C

VERSE:		<F  C  Gm  C  Bb>
>		F  C  Gm  C

CHORUS:		<Bb  C   Am  D  Gm  C  F  Bb  C  Gm  C  (Bb)>
		This is a song about a well known girl
		who was she
		we will never know the answer to that question
		Cecilia -walk in the light
		Cecilia -you're gonna live forever
		according to a well known song
		Cecilia -walk in the light
		Cecilia -did you come home and to whom
		Simon and Garfunkel had a little problem
		it was something about their hearts you used to break
		them and make them go down on their knees
		on and on again
		Cecilia -walk in the light
		Cecilia -you're gonna live forever
		according to a well known song
		Cecilia -walk in the light
		Cecilia -did you come home and to whom
		Romeo and Juliet had another story, but they
		were a single pair not free like you
		still they got a tragical end
		so many years ago life in itself can't hurt
		Cecilia -walk in the light
		Cecilia -did you come home and to whom
		passion changes but they will still remember you
		I say they loved you and they would do the same for you today
		we will never know the answer to that question
		Cecilia -walk in the light
		Cecilia -you're gonna live forever
		according to a well known song
		Cecilia -walk in the light
		Cecilia -did you come home and to whom
		I've been trying to overcome the mental blocks I've got
		if they loved you why didn't you respond to all their pleas
		I wonder
		I wonder
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