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Ace Of Base - Captain Nemo - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Ace Of Base / Captain Nemo

Аккорды, табы

		Captain Nemo

>		Am  Em  Am
		captain nemo...........
>		Am  G  C  E
>		Am  G  Em  Am
>		F  E  Am
		if yo ask him things.........

>		Dm  G  C  Em  Dm  G  E  Am
		ohhhhhh   nooooooooo.........
>		Dm  G  C  Em  Dm  G  C
		seeeeeeee  him

!		BRIDGE 1:
>		Dm  G  C  Em  Dm  G  E  Am
>		Dm  G  E  Am  Dm  G  C

!		BRIDGE 2: <Am  C  C /G - Cm6/F#  F  Am> } 2x
		Captain Nemo is too good for you and me
		take a voyage to the bottom of the sea
		he's a riddle you will see in the middle of the sea
		if you ask him things about life then he will say
		oh no, I'm far to continental for mankind
		I don't interfere in your life
		see me as a searcher with the answers
		to your world from under the sea
		Captain Nemo knows the world be we don't know
		what control of light and darkness means
		he'll show
		if we come in peace at heart
		he may help us to restart what went wrong
		so long ago from down below
		oh no, I'm far to continental for mankind
		I don't interfere in your life
		see me as a searcher with the answers
		to your world from under the sea
		see him as a searcher with the answers to mankind
		he's far to continental
		though he's wiser than all man
		he is curious about the plan
		violated by the man the master plan
		oh no, he's far to continental for mankind
		he don't interfere in your life
		see him as a searcher with the answers
		to your world from under the sea
		oh no, he's far to continental for mankind
		he don't interfere in your life
		see him as a searcher with the answers
		to your world from under the sea
		oh no, he's far to continental for mankind
		under the sea
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