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Accept - Up To The Limit - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Accept / Up To The Limit

Аккорды, табы

		Up To The Limit

!		Пpимeчaниe: <A5> в кyплeтe лyчшe бpaть тaк: [x 0 2 2 x x]

Intro:		<D5>-<C5>-<C5>-<G5>

		Too many things happened today     <D5 - C5 - D5 - C5 - C5 - A5>
		Too many words I don't wanna say     <D5 - C5 - D5 - C5 - C5 - A5>
		I wanna be cool but the heat's coming up    <D5 - C5 - D5 - C5 - C5 - A5>
		I'm ready to kill 'cause enough is enough    <D5 - C5 - D5 - C5 - C5 - A5>

>		G5        D5    A5        F5
		All I can say - out of my way
>		   B5    G5
		Before I get to the top
>		G5         D5     A5            F5
		All I can feel is wild running blood
>		B5               G5
		Please stop - you better watch it
		It's getting up to the limit     <D5>-<C5>-<C5>-<G5>
		Up to the limit    <D5>-<A5>-<F5>
		It's getting up to the limit     <D5>-<C5>-<C5>-<G5>
		Up to the limit    <D5>-<A5>-<F5>
		Do me a favour and leave me alone
		The most I love you is when you're gone
		Please, disappear and don't come back
		I'm not the kind of guy you can check
		All I can say - out of my way
		Before I get to the top
		All I can feel is wild running blood
		Please stop - you better watch it
		It's getting up to the limit
		Up to the limit
		It's getting up to the limit
		Up to the limit
		To the limit - up to the limit
		To the limit - up to the limit
		It's getting up to the limit
		Up to the limit
		It's getting up to the limit
		Up to the limit
		Up to the limit
		It's getting up to the limit
		Up to the limit
		It's getting up to the limit
		Up to the limit
		To the limit - up to the limit
		To the limit - up to the limit
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