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A-Ha - Time And Again - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / A-Ha / Time And Again

Аккорды, табы

		Time And Again

>		        E
		The sun brought me
>		         H
		The moon caught me
>		       C#m
		The wind fought me
>		       A          H
		The rain got me

		The road sent me
		For years bent me
		The stars overwhelmed me
		Time and again
>		      A+H               E
		But now I can't see the stars
>		         A                      H
		The star is a thing I can't see
>		      A+H                       E
		And now I don't feel the same
>		     A                         H
		To feel is a thing I can't be

		Earth crushed me
		Fame brushed me
		The streets hushed me
		As life touched me
		Time placed me
		Events dazed me
		Love saved me
		Now and again
		But now there can be no love
		Love is a thing I can't be
		And there can be no trust
		Trust is a thing I can't see
		But now there can be no love
		Love is a thing that can't be
		Now I can't be so strong
		Strong is a thing I can't be
		Time and again
		Time and again
		The sun brought me...
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