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ACDC - Big Balls - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / ACDC / Big Balls

Аккорды, табы

		Big Balls

!		Intro: (Softly)
>		  E      E D# D C   C D D# E     E D# D C    C D D# E     E D# D C
!		               (Hard)
>		  C   D   D    B B B B B

!		1st Verse (all verses SPOKEN - as in all great poetry)
!		<E> (let ring)                      <C> (let ring)
		Well I'm upper-upper class high society,
!		<E> (let ring)              <C> (let ring)
		Gods' gift to ballroom noteriety,
!		<E> (let ring)                      <C> (let ring)
		And my ballrooms always filled - the event is never small,
>		D (let ring)                      B  B    B     B  B
		The social pages say I've got the biggest balls of all.

!		Chorus
!		All chords stoccato (i.e jab then rest) until last line.
!		(Refer below for chord riff details)
!		<E> (chord riff)           <C#m> (chord riff)
		I've GOT big balls,      I've GOT big balls,
		They're SUCH big balls, they're DIRTY big balls,
		And HE's got big balls, and SHE's got big balls,
>		    C     C   C   D  D      A     A  A    B

!		2nd Verse
>		E                                 C
		And my ballrooms always bouncing, and my ballrooms always full,
>		E                                 C
		And everybody comes and comes again.
>		E                                    C
		If your name is one the guest list - no one can take you higher,
>		D                       B  B  B     B  B
		Everybody says I've got great balls of fire.

!		Chorus

!		3rd Verse
>		E                                 C/E
		Some balls are held for charity,  and some for fancy dress,
>		E                                    C/E
		But when they're held for pleasure - they're the balls that I like best.
>		E                              C/E
		My balls are always bouncing - from the left and to the right,
>		D/F#                                    B  B    B  B  B
		It's my belief that my big balls should be held every night.

!		Chorus

!		Fade out to chants of "Ball-sucker,Ball-sucker"
!		(at least that's what the kids said when I was at school)

!		------------
!		Basically you can use whatever chord positions you like.
!		For the unadventurous all barre chords or all open chords will suffice.
!		Hovever the following are my preferances for recreating the sound of this
!		subtle and beautiful piece.
!		In general a biting, trebly sound is desired - so pick viciously and emhasize
!		the treble strings.  The intro should sound more mellow.
!		The chorus has a chord riff like this (stoccato)
!		The (D) is an optional passing note.

>		E   E   E  E (D) C#m C#m C#m   C#m (D)  (repeat)

!		Played ala:
>		  E    E    E   E  (D)  C#m

!		Verse
>		E    [XX245X]
>		C    [X3555X]
>		D    [XX0232]
>		B    [X2444X]
!		D/F# [2X0232]  (optional bass note)
!		C/E  [03555X]  (optional bass note)

!		Chorus
>		E    [XX245X]
>		C#m  [X46654]
>		C    [X3555X]
>		D    [X5777X]
>		A    [X0222X]
>		B    [X2444X]

!		-------------
!		For
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